Divas on the Bima
A cantorial quartet bringing the essence of Jewish soul music to the concert stage.

Starring four of America’s most beloved female cantors:

Alisa Pomerantz-Boro, comes from a rabbinic and musical family, and has deep roots in cantorial, folk and popular music. She is the Hazzan at Congregation Beth El, Voorhees, NJ.

Elizabeth Shammash is classically trained and enjoyed an operatic, concert and recital career before formally training as a cantor. Lizzie is the Cantor at Temple Adath Israel in Philadelphia.

Jen Cohen began her career living in Nashville, TN and toured the United States with her band. She serves as Cantor of Temple Beth Sholom, Cherry Hill, NJ.

Magda Fishman was both a singer and trumpet player in the Israeli Defense Forces before making her way to New York to pursue musical theater and jazz and founding her band, Shorashim.Magda is the Cantor at B’nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton, FL.

“The Divas on the Bima possess the rare combination of high levels of both artistry and menschlickeit (kindness). The diverse selection of music is enriching and sublime, and the performances exude warmth and artistry. The show features four power-singers who serve as Hazzanim, each of whom is able to show the incredible range of their talent, and when they sing all together it brings the house down.”
-Hazzan Joanna Dulkin, Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Minneapolis, MN
“A magnificent evening not to be missed. Four exceptionally gifted cantors/performers expertly perform a variety of musical genres. Divas on the Bimah thrills its audience each and every time.”
-Hazzan Stephen J. Stein Executive Director, Cantors Assembly
“Divas on the Bima are today’s answer to beautiful, exciting, and wonderfully Jewish musical productions. Do not miss them!”
-Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi, Hazzan Emeritus, Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, IL